Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Thank You Governor Rounds and Many Others

On Sunday, June 12, 2010, Brenna and Rachel were to go to Dover, Delaware to meet Israel's body when it was brought back from Iraq.

They found that the only flight out of Fargo, N.D. that would get them there in time would be leaving before they could reach the airport.

This is where the first thanks happens. Thank you to the Roberts County Sherrif Department for stepping in and helping Brenna reach Fargo as quickly as possible. There are very few places where you could receive help like this.

The American Airlines flight did not wait for them and they missed the flight, something that I am sure caused Brenna and Rachel much grief. To be that close and not have them make it, it made my heart break.

I am not sure who got the wheels turning, and I know there are many people that need to be thanked for this, but someone reached high enough to convince South Dakota Governor Mike Rounds to send his private jet so that Brenna was able to be there when Israel's body reached the states.

This show of compassion for the widow of a fallen soldier was amazing. Without their help, Brenna would have missed this, something that should not happen. For that I thank Governor Rounds with all my heart. Thank you for allowing my sister to be there to meet Israel. It means the world to me that a politician would be willing to help someone like this in their time of need.

There was no announcement on Governor Rounds' website of his great deed. If more politicians acted with their hearts, this country would be a much better place.

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