Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Israel O'Bryan R.I.P.

On Friday, June 11, 2010, my sister Brenna lost her husband, Israel O'Bryan to a suicide bomber in Iraq.

The news shocked our family and brought sadness to us all. He was on his second tour of duty in Iraq and was scheduled to come home in July.

I remember the first time I got to meet Izzy. We had Thanksgiving in 2007 at Theresa and Dean's in Wichita and Brenna was surprising mom and dad by bringing him to meet everyone.

We were all excited to meet this boy that had captured Brenna's attention and knew that he must be special. He was a quiet guy at first, but opened up and we had a great time.

Brenna and Izzy had served in Iraq together the first time, but had decided that nothing could happen while they were both over there and waited till they returned. They were married on December 29, 2007 and things were great. The wedding was a lot of fun and everyone quickly took to Izzy.

Unfortunately with Brenna and Izzy being stationed in Washington, we didn't get to see them much, but we tried to keep in touch. It was so exciting last year when they had Turner and made their family whole.

Brenna moved back to Mom and Dad's when Israel went back to Iraq for the second time and I don't know how her and Rachel did it, being away from Izzy and Scott so much, but it was working for them.

I didn't get to know Izzy as well as I would have liked to. I know that he loved Brenna and Turner and I'm sure he was excited to see them again. I am also very proud that Ihave a family with so many military ties that have served our country to the fullest. I just wish Israel didn't have to give everything in that quest.

Many of you have offered your condolances on Facebook and other mediums, and I thank you for that. This is such a difficult time for everyone and it helps greatly to know that so many people care for and love Brenna and Turner.

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